Are you tired of virtual one-sided panels? Do you want to discuss contested energy topics? Then this YPE SF Bay Area event is for you! No wrong answers- just ideas, opinions, and friendship in the park.
This event is free, but please register for planning purposes. BYO favorite drinks and snacks!
We will have three rounds of discussion, the first beginning at 1:30pm. At the beginning of each round, 3 energy discussion prompts will be read out loud. Participants will select the prompt that is most interesting to them to discuss. We will break out into 3 small groups and discuss the prompt for 20 minutes. We will then take a small break and switch to the next round .
After the three rounds of discussions are over, stick around to socialize with other attendees!
Curious what we'll discuss? Here are some example prompts:
Should the US increase its use of nuclear?
Should we invest in green hydrogen? If yes, in what sectors?
Who do you think is in a better position to move climate policy forward? State or federal government?
Should natural gas be used as a transition fuel to achieve net zero carbon?
Which is more beneficial to clean energy investment - venture capital vs government funding?
Should the US pay developing countries to help them avoid carbon emissions? If yes, how do you decide how much money and how should we pay them?
Do you think autonomous electric vehicles present more positives or negatives to the workforce, transit access, safety, and the environment?
Should individuals cut down on flight travel in order to reduce their carbon footprint?
Should the federal government actively build new clean infrastructure or should we incentivize markets to move in that direction?