(Virtual) Roundtable discussion with diverse clean energy leaders: perspectives on DEI from YPE SF Bay Area, LatinXs in Sustainability, BlackOak Collective, and Clean Energy Leadership Institute
As people of color working in clean energy – a predominantly white and male space - we spend a lot of time thinking about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workspace and beyond. Realizing that important industry discussions around DEI have historically centered white voices, which do not fully encapsulate the intricacies of lived POC experiences, we invite you to join us – diverse leaders from Young Professionals in Energy SF Bay Area, LatinXs in Sustainability, BlackOak Collective, and Clean Energy Leadership Institute - in a first-ever joint virtual discussion. We will dive into important topics such as: what opportunities exist for POC and under-represented groups in clean energy? What are the barriers to entry for these groups? How can we create a more inclusive and accessible clean energy industry? How can employers, industry groups, and allies make a difference?
This event is an opportunity to hear from four nonprofits working to diversify the talent pool in clean energy and sustainability by lowering barriers to entry and encouraging meaningful connections and opportunities for professional growth. Learn about our various initiatives ranging from scholarship and mentorship programs to career panels, community outreach, and more. We invite folks of all backgrounds - POC and underrepresented identities, allies, industry groups, employers, etc. - to join us in this discussion and be inspired to take action.